Tenebroso - Storefront

Tenebroso delves into the profound depths of darkness, both literal and metaphorical, through a series of evocative paintings. The work explores the shadows that linger on the periphery of our consciousness, inviting the viewers to confront the enigmatic beauty within the obscurity. Each piece is a dance between light and dark, revealing the hidden narratives that unfold in the twilight realm. The compositions, born from the interplay of nature and night, provoke introspection on the complexities of the human experience-navigating the mysterious recesses of emotion, memory, and the unexplored corners of the psyche. In the rich tapestry of deep hues and muted tones, Tenebroso serves as a visual symphony that whispers tales of melancholy, desire, and resilience. This collection invites you to embrace the shadows, finding solace in the profound mysteries that reside within the natural world.

Sunny Chapman, "Dancer in the Dark"

23x11 acrylic on 1/8 inch plywood with collaged pieces of plywood, vintage cabochon, metal rings

Sunny Chapman, "Space is the Place

23x11 acrylic on 1/8 inch plywood with  collage 1/16 inch plywood shapes and tiny mirrors

Sunny Chapman, "Forest"

48x24” acrylic, pigment dispersions, graphite on 1/8” plywood with crushed coal, glitter, vintage Czech glass bat cabochons, Black Rhinestones, tourmaline, carborundum, orthoceros fossil, snake skin, beaver claws, fossilized dinosaur bone

Sunny Chapman, "River"

48x24” acrylic, pigment dispersions, graphite on 1/8” plywood with crushed coal, shungite, black rhinestones, magnetite, tektite, trilobite, rough garnet, diamond dust.

Sunny Chapman, "Mountains"

48x24” acrylic, pigment dispersions, graphite on 1/8” plywood with crushed coal, shungite, pyrite, black Rhinestones, porcupine quills, rough garnets, glitter.

Sunny Chapman, "Volcano"

27 x 21” acrylic, pigment dispersions, graphite , crushed tourmaline, black diamond dust, carborundum on 1/8” plywood.