Equity Gallery Proposal Submission Page
Exhibition Submission Guidelines
NYAE members in good standing at the Rose level and above may submit exhibition proposals for adjudication once per annum during one of that year’s four seasonal review periods. Proposals may be for solo or thematic group shows in the main galleries or for smaller installations in the gallery’s project space. The gallery’s courtyard space, which is open all year, is also available for proposals comprising works suitable for outdoor display.
Proposals are reviewed on or about the below noted seasonal dates and are reviewed as a comparative cohort corresponding to that date’s preceding time window—also as noted. Applicants will be notified upon receipt of their proposal which review date and cohort their proposal will be assigned to. From that date, members can expect a decision within 6 weeks. All proposals are reviewed, and every effort will be made to accommodate proposals at the earliest review date possible.
Review Date
Winter Quarter Feb. 17th
Spring Quarter May 19th
Summer Quarter Sept. 15th
Fall Quarter Nov. 17th
Submission Window
Winter Quarter Nov. 1st - Jan. 31st
Spring Quarter Feb. 1st - Apr. 30th
Summer Quarter May 1st - Jul. 31st
Fall Quarter Aug. 1st - Oct. 31st
All proposals must include the below listed items. Incomplete proposals will be returned and may be resubmitted (one time courtesy) for a subsequent review period.
Name, short bio (1-3 paragraphs), and contact information, including email, phone and postal address, of lead applicant.
Concise exhibition statement (3 – 5 paragraphs) including title, aims and objectives, participating artists names (if applicable), estimated number of works, and preferred exhibition dates.
5 – 7 images of works, per participating artist, that is representative of work(s) to be exhibited. Include short bios (1 -3 paragraphs) for each participating artist.
Schematic map using gallery floor plan indicating placement of works (floor plan provided below).
Submit a Proposal
Artists Equity is a non-profit organization founded in 1947 by artists and art patrons with the mission to promote opportunities for artists. It operates Equity Gallery, an art space located on the Lower East Side of New York City. Equity Gallery is designed to be a fluid and flexible new model that is responsive to a range of artists’ needs. It simultaneously serves as a gallery for artists to exhibit and sell their work; a hub for professional workshops and innovative programming exploring critical issues of interest to artists and curators; and a gathering place for artists, curators and patrons.
If you have any questions, please email us directly at info@nyartistsequity.org and include "Open Call Questions" in the subject line.